Be a Partner. Support our School.
The Redemptive Alliance is a community of churches and businesses that are committed to supporting Joshua Academy and Christian Education in our local area. I Cor 12:13 reminds us that “we have all been baptized into one body by the Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit” and that God put our (church) bodies together so that “all members care for each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.” (I Cor 12:25)
What Can You Do?
Pray For Us
PRAY for our school, our teachers & our administrators. PRAY for our families. PRAY for our school board. The decision to send a child to private school is a big one.
Spread the Word
PROMOTE our school and our events to your church and business communities. Better yet, let us come and SHARE with your congregation or business about what God is doing at our school!
Let Us Bless You Back
Allow our school community to SERVE your church however we can. Our students learn about how they are the hands and feet of Jesus and serving you gives them a chance to demonstrate this.
Support Our Families
SUPPORT us financially if you can. Funds for scholarships reduce the burden of the cost of Christian Education. $200 a month pays 30% of one student’s tuition. All gifts are tax deductible.