Who will my child become?
How will you measure success?
How will we know if we’re meeting our mission?
These are THE most important questions for any parent when deciding on a place to educate their child. At Joshua Academy, it all starts with our mission: to prepare future-ready kids who demonstrate excellence in mind, body and spirit, to boldly engage with the world as image-bearers of Christ.
Research shows that when you teach and nurture a child’s character, academic achievement improves. That’s why two-thirds of what we assess is based on the body (abilities) and the spirit (skills).
We ALL live out our mission every day at Joshua Academy. Not only do we evaluate our students based on the 22 characteristics below, but this is also how we evaluate our teachers and staff as well. We seek evidence (fruit) of these attributes as we strive to be more like Christ.
Exceptional Communicators. We demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and a gentle and gracious way with others. We communicate clearly and appreciate feedback.
Relational. We help solve problems and manage conflict as peacemakers.
Ready to Work. We are prepared, work independently and do what is asked of us. We are on time and demonstrate integrity.
Curious. We demonstrate an active curiosity about life and the world. We demonstrate grit and determination when encountering hard things.
Leaders and Team Players. We value the gifts in others and do well for the team. We are obedient and do what is asked of us to our best ability.
Humble and Respectful. We receive praise and criticism with grace and humility.
Creative. We express meaning in our work and use our imagination to solve a problem.
Engaged Learners. We love to learn and express enthusiasm for new things. We take pride in what we produce and who we are becoming.
Observers and Doers. We are in-tune with the world around us and engage with it using all our senses. We take action based on what we observe.
Bearers of Good Fruit. We demonstrate love toward others, joy, a peaceful spirit, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Well-Equipped. We know who God says we are and follow His calling for our lives.
Good stewards. We take care of ourselves, our communities and all that God has given us. We take responsibility and demonstrate selflessness.
Plugged in to the Word. We understand that our hope and strength comes from Jesus and are committed to learning what the Bible says.
Sharers of the Gospel. We know how to share our faith with others who live in this broken world.