Distinctives of our School
An Integral Curriculum
An Integral approach to curriculum and instruction reflects the cohesive nature of God and His creation. Using multi-disciplinary thematic units of study organized around important ideas, we de-emphasize the separation of typical school “subjects,” and instead seek real connections between them. This approach informs our view of the child as a holistic being comprised of “head, hand, and heart”. This approach distinguishes us from many Christian schools that simply add a bible class to their curriculum.
Our teachers receive specialized training, professional development, and certification in Redemptive Education and have an opportunity to meet with and learn from faculty at other schools who use the same approach.
Emphasis on the Outdoors
To fully embrace the beauty of God’s creation, we have to be immersed in it! We value nature as God’s classroom and seek to understand Him more through the beauty He has created for us. Our theme-based curriculum emphasizes active, hands-on learning to explore God’s creation as we discover His purpose for our lives. Our school garden and wooded amphitheater provide an on-site opportunity to interact with the environment and our many field study trips allow us to explore the beauty of the place we live, while experiencing what an integrated curriculum is all about. You will often see us outside with our materials getting fresh air as we learn.
Morning Welcome & Daily Worship
From the youngest to the oldest in our community, we are all engaged in the work of discovering God’s story for our lives. This view informs our practice of the Morning Welcome to begin each day together as a community. We meet in our outdoor amphitheater (weather permitting) for worship and to grow together through singing, scripture reading and memorization, speaking by students and teachers, movement, and prayer.
We believe in teaching children how to worship God through music and prayer. In addition to our daily Welcome, each week, we dedicate 30 minutes to a unique praise and worship time where we invite the Holy Spirit to join us as we worship the Lord with one voice. A pastor-lead message emphasizes the application of scripture to real world issues that kids face today. Parents are welcome to join us!